Welcome to Oral History Queensland

Oral History Australia [OHA] is a non-profit body whose members practice and promote oral history.  The aims of OHA are:

  • promote discussion and training on all aspects of the methodology and ethical practices of oral history as a discipline and a means of gathering and preserving social and cultural history
  • foster preservation access and use of oral history collections
  • support State and Territory Oral History associations
  • provide a national voice on all aspects of oral history, and
  • link Australian oral historians to the international oral history movement.
These aims are shared by each state entity.
There are now associations in each state.  ACT is incorporated into NSW Branch.  NT is incorporated into SA Branch.
Find out more about other branches here.

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OHQ General Meeting 22 February 2025
This will be our first meeting for the year and we will use it to plan peer review meetings and presentations for the coming months.  These meetings are also a great opportunity for you to come and tell us about your projects so we can help each other.  There will also be updates from the National OHA meetings and local news pertinent to OHQ.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible in person at the Queensland Spinners, Weavers & Fibre Artists Hall, 12 Payne Street, Auchenflower or on Zoom at 10.00am.  Please indicate whether you will attend in person or by Zoom by emailing info@ohq.org.au

Video from Norfolk Record Office, England