German Refugee Project

“Tahar is one of 42 refugees who recount their life stories in interviews lasting several hours on the “Archive of Refuge” digital platform. The archive is a form of oral history that helps others understand history from a purely biographical perspective that rarely finds a place in history books.” Read the full story here. Click on the link above, Archive of Refuge, which will take you to the videoed interviews, which are translated into English.

Oral History in Museums

“In this article, Priyanka Seshardri makes the case for oral history’s place in museum collections. Today, we see museums around the world investigating the roots of their collections. Consequently, museums are being urged to follow more ethical collecting practices. Oral history as a discipline can serve as a useful guide towards this goal. It creates a rich world of storytelling around any type of collection, including works of art, archival documents, photographs and material objects. Its methods can also shape a museum’s relationships and reimagine its role as a custodian of collections.” Read more here.

National Gallery Open Online

“While their doors remain closed, the NGA is opening up their online resources for art lovers, knowledge seekers and Australia’s future creatives so they can explore the joys of the gallery without leaving the comfort of home.

Start with Tim Ross’ Constant to dive into the formative power of art and its undeniable constant presence in life. To hear a new perspective, listen to James Gleeson interview 98 Australia artists in their studios in the oral history collection, a significant resource and an insight into how art has influenced Australia over the years.” Read full article here. Note that the oral history collection link in the article is incorrect. The correct link is above.

Oral History in Theater

“Inspired by the testimonies of Grand County residents, the upcoming show from the DCPA Theatre Company joins local stories with music from Colorado artists to explore tragedy and resilience amid the state’s wildfire crisis.” Full story here.