
Tuam Tragedy

In 2014 Catherine Corless discovered that 798 babies and young children had died in the home for unmarried pregnant women but could find no records of their burial. Many of the babies had died of malnutrition and neglect. The babies and young children had been buried in an unmarked grave. Read full article with video here.

Important moment in history

“While we are always experiencing history, there are times you know that you are experiencing what will eventually be called a Historic Moment. The fall of the Berlin Wall. The breakup of the USSR. 9/11. But then the moment passes, society adjusts, and we are left with our experiences.” This article has some good ideas and links here.

Oral History of British Science

“Earlier this month the British Society for the History of Science hosted a successful online ‘Global Digital History of Science Festival’ in place of is usual annual conference. This event prompted me to reflect on how the interviews collected for An Oral History of British Science might be used to explore transnational histories of science and to think about what happens when we view our interviewees as nodes in transnational networks rather than as ‘British scientists’. I was also interested to see what oral history, particularly the extended life story approach used in An Oral History of British Science, might contribute to the project of writing transnational histories of science.” Full story with interview excerpts and links here.

COVID in Long Island, New York

“Listen to episodes of Life Under Coronavirus: Long Island’s Helpers, Newsday’s podcast on the pandemic hosted by Mark Chiusano and produced by Amanda Fiscina. It’s a look into how Long Islanders are meeting the challenge of COVID-19. Each episode features a Long Islander talking about his or her experience with coronavirus, with a focus on what people are doing to help. Join us to hear upbeat stories that show how LI is getting by under disease lockdown, an oral history for the period when this is all over.” Listen here.

New York Oral Histories

The New York library system’s Community Oral History Project has reached out to everyday people to hear stories of themselves and their neighborhoods — places ranging from Sandy Grounds in Staten Island, Roosevelt Island, and the Lower East Side. Of course, there’s also one for the many neighborhoods that constitute the Northwest Bronx: “Remembering Riverdale.” For full story click here. The link to the website is here.

National Regional Arts Fellowship

A Tumbarumba arts specialist is one of five regional artists and arts workers awarded a National Regional Arts Fellowship to support their endeavours in their local regions. Vanessa Keenan has been announced as the winner of a $10,000 First Timer – Creative or Professional Development Fellowship for a Regeneration Project that will reflect on the devastating bushfires of 2019-2020. She is one of three winners from regional NSW. The others are from Kandos and Red Head, with another two recipients from Far North Queensland and Tasmania. The 2020 Fellowships centre on themes of bushfire and drought, and artists living in affected areas were encouraged to apply. Read full story here.

UK’s NHS Project

NHS at 70: The Story of Our Lives is a national oral history project that is collecting testimony from patients, staff, and the public around the history of the UK’s public National Health Service (NHS) which was created in 1948. To date we have trained around 150 volunteer interviewers with ages ranging from 20 years to 70 plus years in oral history methodologies and recorded upwards of 800 interviews. Evaluation of the impact of participation on volunteers and interviewees was built into the project from the outset. Read full article here.

Member Profile – Pat Ryan

I emigrated from Ireland to Australia in December 1978 with my husband and two young sons. I flew from deepest, dark winter to the blinding white light of an Australian summer. Equipped with an Arts degree and curiosity about my new home, I found work wherever I could, pursuing an eclectic career in teaching, community service and policy development across three levels of Government – Local, State and Federal and across three different States – Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland. It was a wonderful time that gave me an opportunity to deepen my knowledge of the country and its people.

By 2002 I was living in Brisbane and looking for something new to absorb my energy. I had, for some years, been a regular broadcaster with the Irish program at the multicultural radio station, 4EB in Kangaroo Point, Brisbane. I interviewed many people on-air whose ancestry was Irish or part Irish and whose interest in Irish language, culture and particularly dance, drew them to the program. I was curious about their own and their families’ histories; the genesis of an idea for a project to record those histories began to grow in my mind.

I cannot recall exactly how I found my way to the Oral History Queensland Conference in 2002 but I have vivid memories of sitting in an Auditorium in the State Library listening spellbound to Robin Hughes, the then presenter of “Australian Biography” on SBS, speak about her interviews with some of the people who featured in the popular TV show.  I joined OHQ and after workshops with Sue Pechey, Lesley Jenkins and Suzanne Mulligan, I started recording the stories of Irish migrants and the descendants of migrants to Australia. My methodology was to use a community developmental approach with the central theme revolving around migration and residual memory in families and communities of that foundational event.

The launch of the project, including a self-published book of the stories, at the then premises of the Irish Club in Elizabeth St brought all project participants together for the first time. It transpired that many had known each other at various stages in their lives and careers. The launch gave them the opportunity to reconnect with each other and re-engage with their own personal histories. That project, Journeys into Inheritance: Stories of Irish Migration to Australia 1867-1987 – recordings and book – was subsequently housed at the John Oxley Library for future research into Irish migration to Australia. The project led to a paper on the methodology used to find the interviewees and record their stories which was presented at the 2004 European Social Science History Conference in Berlin.

In 2007 I presented a Paper at the Oral History Queensland State Conference, Old Stories, New Ways.  In this Paper, entitled Searching for Adam and Eve: how oral and family history contribute to building individual and family identity across intergenerational and international boundaries, I explored themes identified in the recorded stories, in particular the role of memento keeping and cultural iconography in memory transmission.

In 2008 I partnered with the New Farm Neighbourhood Centre in a community based, intergenerational oral history project to train younger residents to record stories from older residents about their lives and times around Fortitude Valley and New Farm. The suburb of New Farm was undergoing rapid development with many of the old landmarks disappearing to make way for new housing. The resulting stories of old trolley cars and trams rattling through Brunswick Mall and along Brunswick Street to New Farm, old dance halls now defunct, picture theatres and WWII American servicemen captivated the younger generation. The outcome was an online virtual museum replete with photos and mementoes of the old days.

Later that year I was commissioned to undertake a series of recordings with a retired Medical Administrator who travelled through Australian colonial Papua New Guinea as a young man overseeing community clinics and dispensing medical care to local people. He published the stories later in his local newspaper as a personal history.

A career highlight for me was attending a Masterclass in Sydney with the renowned Italian oral historian, Alessandro Portelli, whose reflections on memory and memory making have influenced my own thinking and practice of oral history.   

Other community projects followed, such as one I led shortly after moving to the Southern Downs when the area was heavily impacted by the 2011 floods. Stories collected from that project reside in the local library.

Pauline Peel (L) and (R) Pat Ryan outside old St Mary’s, Warwick

I took part in a history seminar on the Warwick Egg Incident which commemorated the anti- conscriptionists of WWI and the “egging” of Prime Minister Billy Hughes at the Warwick Railway Station in 1917. Following a successful partnership with two academic historians and a family historian to present a paper that focused on the local, family and oral history of Warwick at the Irish Studies Association Conference of Australia and New Zealand in Sydney 2018, my colleague Pauline Peel, a family historian, and I presented our papers to an audience of 98 people at the old St Mary’s church in Warwick in March this year, days before the Covid-19 restrictions on such gatherings were announced.

Since the advent of Covid-19 I have used my time at home to pursue further online research into my own family background and the history of Warwick and District. Zoom meetings, Skyped conversations, online training and catching up on my reading through the State library online have opened up whole new worlds for me. I am looking forward to whatever comes next!