“The Wildlife Filmmaking Oral Histories Collection is a series of oral history video interviews and transcripts with wildlife film-makers which were recorded between 1998-2011. They form a key part of the Wildlife Archive.” See full story with video links here.
Tag: oral histories
Greek unemployed youth do oral history
“Istorima is a non-profit organization dedicated to creating an extensive Greek oral history archive by offering temporary jobs to hundreds of young people across Greece. Co-founded by historian and New York University Provost Katherine Fleming and journalist Sofia Papaioannou, Istorima will provide temporary employment and training for more than 1,500 unemployed young people in Greece over five years as they fan out across Greece to collect oral histories in their home locales. Istorima’s team of field reporters will collect histories and stories, old and new, across historical eras and running the gamut of topics. They will encourage their family members, friends, and neighbors to each share their own narratives so that Greece’s stories will be not be lost. Istorima aims to record over 50,000 stories, which will be preserved and catalogued in an archive accessible to researchers and the public.” Read full story here.
Collecting COVID Oral Histories
“The COVID-19 pandemic may be just a few months old in the greater Detroit area, but the city’s principal memory box is already collecting oral histories and planning a memorial garden.” Read full story which includes link to the website here. Detroit people can upload a sound file up to 15 minutes long.