Dr Panayota Nazou's Proxy Brides: Experiences and Testimonies of Greek Women in Australia (1950-1971) was launched in Sydney, with more than 200 people attending, including some of the 'proxy brides' whose personal accounts contributed to the writing of the book. For full story click here.
Tag: proxy brides
Matchmaking for Post War Greek Immigrants
A book on arranged marriages between the first Greek immigrants to Australia and the experiences of the brides will be presented on Wednesday, April 23, at Rockdale Town Hall. “Proxy Brides: Experiences and Testimonies of Greek Women in Australia (1950-1971)” by Dr Panayota Nazou, will be launched by the Hon Sophie Cotsis and Professor Vrasidas Karalis. See more here.
A book on arranged marriages between the first Greek immigrants to Australia and the experiences of the brides will be presented on Wednesday, April 23, at Rockdale Town Hall. “Proxy Brides: Experiences and Testimonies of Greek Women in Australia (1950-1971)” by Dr Panayota Nazou, will be launched by the Hon Sophie Cotsis and Professor Vrasidas Karalis. – See more at: http://au.greekreporter.com/2014/04/16/matchmaking-in-the-first-post-war-greek-immigrant-generation/#sthash.L6b1zBAU.dpuf